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This wiki is a site for friends and family to help me plan and implement a proposal for meester. If you're here because you got an email, you're in the right place!! Please log in at the top of the page to begin.
Holy Shit! It happened, it happened! He muttered something about how many cherry-things he'd gotten lately, and I said I could tell him why. I handed him the wrapped box (which contained a smaller, also-wrapped ring box) and let him open it. He said yes. I knew he would, but he said yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 8:58 pm on Jun 6, 2006
Congratulations. Icouldn't be happier for you both. All my love!
Anonymous said
at 9:30 pm on Jun 6, 2006
Congratulations indeed. Good -- even if expected -- news. Makes it worth trying to explain a cherry pitter to airport security. Welcome to our family, Ry (not that we haven't thought of you as family for several years now).
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