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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago

Who is intimidating?


I am a 26 year old woman who grew up in New York City. meester calls me intimidating, it's code for "cute," but I ignore that. I have a BA from the sister school to meester's liberal arts college (all-women, seven sisters, even) with a major in a very wordy department whose title roughly translates to urban studies. While in college, my main hobbies included lights for smaller theater productions, hanging around my department's functions, working in the library, and going in to Philadelphia as often as humanly possible. I'm currently pursuing a much bigger and scarier anthropology PhD in the Boston metro area, which is why meester and I live here in Cambridge.

These days I don't have time for hobbies, but this year was declared the year of learning to do things, so far, I've started learning to play mandolin, learning to knit, and learning to eat well. Still on the list are learning to use my sewing machine, learning to paint, learning to exercise, and learning to relax.

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