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last edited
by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago
The Cast of Characters
- amaia -- a grad school friend of intimidating, and a 14 year resident of the Boston area
- oceanic -- helpfully I couldn't think of a better nickname to give myself, but this is as unsearchable as anything else. ;) Perenially dancing-with-joy friend of intimidating from college (and beyond!). I've known meester for as long as they've been dating.
- grilled cheese-- Preferably cheddar. On a bagel. Better than stale ice and condiments! intimidating and I go back to the days before we had our own refrigerators. Sadly, we now live too far apart to just drop by for dinner.
- tangibility -- having known intimidating since that fateful night five (?!) years ago where the magic combination of the internet and realizing our friends were ex-lovers found me on the floor of her dorm room. chaos has ensued and she has followed me to boston to fight the education we're getting and to become something. in addition, i read a lot, study smut, and dote on my kitties.
- HerDad -- Much more than just what it says.
- eldritch, who is muddling through this.
- The Reverend and Mrs. Pacman -- Friends of meester from the days of yore, where we battled boredom, the corporatization of america, mini-bosses, giant Kaiju monsters, oragami monkey ninjas, other geeks, and again, bordeom. Our friendship has been involved days of meaningless philosiphy about the interweb, music, the spiritual nature of coding html in notepad, classic video games, modern life, comic books, origami, cubicle related sporting activities, business ventures, ordering lunch from the same place everyday until the waitresses knew us by our beverages (until Sprite moved to Boston) and an all around appreciation for the bizarre, sweet world we live in. (Oh, and this is a great idea)....
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